Description: A small utility designed to help you become more accurate and realistic about your predictions and promises. Add items like “Number of pages I will write this week” or “Number of pounds i will lose this month”, and provide your predicted/promised values. Then, at the end of the time period, record your actual achieved values. Bestimate keeps track of how far off you were from your initial prediction/promise. Note that this program is intended to help you become more realistic about your predictions, so being off in either direction is just as bad!
- Track as many entries as you would like
- Real-time updating of estimates as you adjust the data
- Export to CSV option
Version: 1.0.6 (2010-05-23) 💾 DOWNLOAD Bestimate v1.0.6  
Supported OS: Windows XP/Vista/7. Probably works, but not tested, on Windows 8/10.
History: Changelog
Discussion forum: Here
PAD file: Here
- Version 1.0.6
- Downloads 900
- File Size
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2010-05-23
- Last update 2010-05-23 15:32:15
- Last Updated 2018-01-16