Make all windows but the active one transparent.
- User defined transparency level.
- Can ignore always ontop windows.
- Won't make parent windows transparent while children is active.
Thanks to y0himba at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!
- Version 1.1
- Downloads 3001
- File Size 258.84 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 12, 2017
- Last update 2017-12-12 22:39:59
- Last Updated December 12, 2017
I was just wondering the other day how to easier tell which app on my screen was active because it can be so hard to tell. This works great for that! I get some side benefits of seeing multiple windows in the same space at the same time under the right conditions! Thanks Skrommel!
One minor issue that I sidestep is that my main desktop is grayed out, possibly by a app otherwise invisible? I’m not sure, I can’t click through it but bringing up Desktop with Win key + “D” key works well enough