Turns off CapsLock when Shift is pressed together with A-Z or other user defined keys.
- Also makes CapsLock work like Shift when pressed togheter with A-Z or other user defined keys.
- To change the keys, choose Settings in the Tray menu.
- 2008.08.02 - v1.2: Made Capslock work like shift together wita a key.
Thanks to TWmailrec at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!
Thanks to Knutchen at DonationCoder Forum for more ideas!
- Version 1.2
- Downloads 871
- File Size 241.52 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 12, 2017
- Last update 2017-12-12 22:30:13
- Last Updated December 12, 2017
I have been using for several years, it’s smarter than remapping CapsLock. because ShiftOff sets CapsLock to False when Shift key is pressed.
The default characters list by developer include a few non-English characters which creates an error message but the solution was is easy … SysTray -> ShiftOff -> Settings
Simplest solution (IMO) to sTOPPING tHESE aNNOYANCES
The program is very stable, it has never failed on any of my machines
Thank you