Closes multiple programs or services at once.
- Close, Kill or Restart processes.
- Start, Stop or Restart services.
- Select multiple lines by Click-Drag or Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click
- 2005.10.31 - v1.1: Added tooltip when clicking, moved buttons.
- 2005.12.02 - v1.2: Now possible to close services, changed process detection.
- 2005.12.15 - v2.0: New GUI with icons and more info, added restart action.
- 2006.03.14 - v2.1: Removed use of the clipboard, improved window title detection.
- 2006.03.15 - v2.2: Removed use of the ShowVer.
- 2006.08.19 - v2.3: Removed use of the PrcView.
- 2006.08.19 - v2.4: Corrected inability to close and kill processes.
Uses sourcecode by wOxxOm, corrupt and shimanov at the AutoHotkey Forums.
Thanks to hurricanedavid at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!
- Version 2.4
- Downloads 2219
- File Size 266.19 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 12, 2017
- Last update 2017-12-12 19:33:29
- Last Updated December 12, 2017