Use FileNoter to quickly create a plaintext note file for any file through the context menu.
by Nod5 - Free Software GPL3 - AutoHotkey - Tested in Windows 10
Put filenoter.exe in some folder and run it as Administrator to add the context menu action (and its registry entries).
How to use:
Right click any file in Explorer and click "FileNoter". A note file is created with the same name as the clicked file but a .txt extension.
Example: For "filename.doc" FileNoter creates "filename.doc.txt".
Add you notes to that file and save.
Run filenoter.exe as Administrator and follow the instruction to remove the context menu entry.
More features:
Edit Filenoter.ini to customize the name and location of the note file.
Add special tags, custom extension and datestamps (YYMMDD-HHMM or YYMMDD) to the notefile name.
Option to autoupdate the datestamp in the notefile name each time it is opened from the context menu.
Example: for "filename.doc" you have the notefile "filename.doc180225.txt". If today is 180416 and you again right click "filename.doc" and select "FileNoter" then "filename.doc180225.txt" is renamed to ""filename.doc180416.txt" and then opened.
Option to save notefiles to a subfolder.
Discussion forum: Here
SHA256 Hashes:
945854dfe3901cac07e200f884c402cddd26526a40ecaf0a6ad4774b46f95ea3 filenoter.ahk
f3e97c8645e2ef7fa655cccb2ebde82825fb5f7fda5fb5ff31645d6f94010eb0 filenoter.exe
e276e9b8e727d24ea566c019d0073cdeae7c0c2186e072bdb4b72e5008e81770 Filenoter.zip
- Code cleanup
- Run as administrator to add/remove context menu entry
- ini option "update" controls if previous datestamp notes are updated and reused or not
ini option to place filenotes in a user defined subfolder
ini option to place filenotes for a folder inside the folder
filenotes can now also be created for folders
ini option to choose file extension for notes (default: txt)
- small code cleanup + commenting
- two datestamp formats: YYMMDD and YYMMDD-HHMM
first version
- Version
- Downloads 894
- File Size 821.43 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 21, 2018
- Last update 2018-02-21 16:45:51
- Last Updated February 23, 2018