A small timer with big digits
by Nod5 - Free Software GPL2 - AutoHotkey - Tested in Windows 10
How to use:
Run BigTimer.exe
Set timer in minutes
Big digits count down in the left screen corner
Alarm: image and beep sound
- Click tray icon to hide/show timer
- Doubleclick tray to close/exit timer
- Press Esc or Click on Alarm window to close/exit
- Press Enter on Alarm window to restart timer
- Press Space on Start or Alarm window for Pomodoro mode
Pomodoro mode:
- Alternates between 25 and 5 minutes timers, for Pomodoro time management
- Custom Pomodoro mode alarm: Create bigtimer_tomato.mp3
Disable/customize alarm sound:
Remove/Replace bigtimer.mp3
Command line: BigTimer.exe <time> <options>
off = close timer
seconds = show seconds during last 2 minutes
win<id> = refocus window with id number <id> after BigTimer starts
tomato = use tomato alarm image instead of clock image
nosound = no sound, only alarm popup image
alarm = show alarm immediately (for testing)
linger<digit> = keep alarm image/sound for <digit> seconds before it can close
BigTimer.exe 54
BigTimer.exe off
BigTimer.exe 4 nosound seconds tomato linger2 win19282
FARR use:
- to start BigTimer from FARR import this alias string and edit the path to your BigTimer.exe
1000>>>timer>->timer $$1 | C:olderBigTimer.exe $$1>+>^(?:ti|tim|time|timer) (.*)$
- alternative FARR alias with three actions: start, set 25 minute timer, off
1000>>>timer>->timer $$1 | C:olderigtimer.exe $$1 win%LASTHWND%>n>timer 25 | C:olderigtimer.exe 25 win%LASTHWND%>n>timer off | C:olderigtimer.exe off win%LASTHWND%>+>^(ti|tim|time|timer|ala|alar|alarm)$
bigtimer.ico and .png adapted from image by Júlio Reis (CC BY-SA 3.0)
bigtimer.mp3 adapted from sound by Corsica_S (CC BY 3.0)
bigtimer_tomato.png adapted from image by yamachem (CC0)
Discussion forum: Here
SHA256 Hashes:
dd7ae90dce7e20f91cdae35d6b0e6be11d9ee517e07750ac65797435ed251de1 BigTimer.ahk
173c3c9fe0ba41d10fba1b9b99c1409f5b360ce9042272ddb7c4be3390de78e9 BigTimer.exe
8a00b401834becb767a40f4ba50388e236b380f9b7fad2a2834a62b60f34f662 BigTimer.zip
fix command line win<id> param error
option to linger alarm screen/sound for seconds before it can close
code clarified
code cleanup
pomodoro 5/25 mode
new command line options
autohide temporarily on mouse over
fix flickering digits
first version ( for NANY 2010 )
- Version
- Downloads 17892
- File Size 1.02 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date April 15, 2018
- Last update 2018-04-15 12:38:45
- Last Updated April 15, 2018