
Folder-RSS generates an newsfeed containing changes within a folder. Use it to see what files are new in a particular folder by subscribing with an newsreader such as Opera.

You can only monitor specific files using wildcards. Put paths with spaces in quotes. Run it as a scheduled task once a day to generate a new feed! Defaults list the last 100 items that have been modified /are added within the last 14 days. Read-only, System and hidden files are not monitored unless specified.


folder-rss.exe "c:rowser downloads" d:	emplatest.xml


(get the complete syntax by running the file)

You can only monitor specific files using wildcards. Put paths with spaces in quotes. Run it as a scheduled task once a day to generate a new feed! Defaults list the last 100 items that have been modified /are added within the last 14 days. Read-only, System and hidden files are not monitored unless specified.

Discussion, Support & Feedback

Support on this program is available on the DonationCoder forums. You can also use this place to discuss new features or any issues. SeeĀ Folder-RSS Discussion Thread.


  • Version
  • Downloads 180
  • File Size
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 28, 2018
  • Last update 2018-01-28 23:43:08
  • Last Updated January 28, 2018