TextWorx updated to Version 1.1
Lot’s of good changes here!
- Download TextWorx 1.1 here.
- Online Documentation is here.
- The best change is that now you can set a Global Hotkey for absolutely ANY TextWorx Command!
- You can also customize the hotkeys for the TexWorx Menu and the TextWorx Toolbar!
- Make sure to look at the Hotkeys topic in the documentation for details on how to do this.
When you assign hotkeys to TextWorx commands, though, be sure and think about how TextWorx uses shift and control as modifier keys for the commands – and TextWorx will honour those even if you use them for the hotkey – so there may some conflict. You might want to use win alone for your hotkeys, and save ctrl and shift for it’s command usage. What I mean is this: Say you use 201 “encase” for a hotkey. If you use the shift key in your hotkey, it will only ever remove quotes because shift changes the command to reverse. So, for commands that work on both lines and in reverse, you are best not to use control or shift in the hotkey. Also, beware of using alt in your hotkeys, because alt often times invokes a windows own menu.
Changes for this version
- New: 419 Convert Number Base…
- New: 418 Dec <> Base64
- New: 850 RUN Text will now work on multiple lines if you hold the control key
- New: 865 Contact Authour (opens contact web page)
- New: User-defined global hotkey to show menu and toolbar!
- New: Apply global hotkey to ANY command!
- New: 100 Options Panel, with some of the options (work in progress).
- New: 99 Command Report – reports the hotkey used, CommandID and the Command Name.
- New: Hotkeys for the Menu and Toolbar now appear as notes in the Tray Menu (in case you forget what they are).
- Fixed: 710 Reverse would remove the spaces from the string.
- Fixed: Typos in the Documentation
- Fixed: Wrong version number in About dialogue (I always forget to update this)
- Fixed: Can’t cancel out of dialogues using the escape key
- Fixed: Tools Menu doesn’t appear by default (I forgot to create it with the default ini file)
- Fixed: Tools Menu by default now includes default Extra Tools submenu for user-defined tools.
- Changed: Added Exit TextWorx to the Toolbar context menu.
- Changed: Added 865 Contact Authour to the Tray Menu.
- Changed: Removed 858 Restart TextWorx and 860 Customize Toolbar from the main menu to make the menu a little smaller. (858 is in the tools menu, anyway, and it doesn’t make sense to customize the toolbar from the menu)