
  • New: 741 Transpose – Pivots the X axis of a multi-line text selection on the first character.
  • New: 314 ::cmd. Now you can comment out lines in the Windows batch script language
  • Improved: 415 Dec <> Hex now will convert any and all numbers in the text selection rather than just individual selections. Before it couldn’t handle spaces or anything else but numbers in the selection.
  • Improved: 416 Dec <> Bin now converts all the numbers in the selection.
  • Improved: 409 Decimal <> Roman Numeral now converts all numbers in the selection.

  • New: 131 List Sentences – joins lines, then attempts to discover sentences and places each sentence on a separate line (added to the Trim & Spacing Menu). It does a decent enough job and can discern common abbreviations.
  • New: 738 Intersperse Characters… Opens a dialogue to allow you to specify characters to insert at an interval. For example, insert 2 hyphen every 5 spaces. control to work on lines separately. shift removes the characters; ctrl operates separately on lines; ctrl+shift to remove chars at intervals from each line. (added to Insert Menu)
  • New: 739 Encolonize Inserts a colon every 2 characters. This is designed to adding colons to a MAC address (for Linux DHCP servers in particular). Basically, it is a subset command of 738 Intersperse Chars. (added to Convert Menu)
  • New: 717 NATOify Changes letters into NATO codewords; hold shift to reverse. Added command to the default Transform Menu.
  • New: 740 Enhyphenize. Turns this into t-h-i-s

  • Fixed: The Trigonometric functions now calculate correctly
  • Fixed: Clicking on the answer will copy it to the clipboard along with a million decimal places in some cases.  Now it copies what you see.
  • Fixed: When you set the number of decimal places, the answer will be appropriately rounded.
  • Fixed: When you adjust the decimal places, it reflects automatically in the answer.
  • Updated: Contact Information and Links


Changelog for Incipitor Version 1.1

  • New: Now you can edit the names of the folders in the folder window
  • New: All Settings are now saved and put into effect when you push the Save Settings button which has been added to the Settings tab.  (in the previous version, some would save immediately, others required to restart the program or re-open the window)
  • New: Added icons to the buttons and to the folder tree (everyone loves eye-candy, no?)
  • Changed: Moved the program name, version and icon to the Info tab so it is less clutter on the main window.
  • Changed: Removed the “Creating Settings file” notice when you run Incipitor for the first time.
  • Fixed: Custom icon path is now saved
  • Fixed: Version info was missing in the executable for version 1.0

Please note:  Systemus will set off your anti-virus.  I swear it’s not a Trojan – but, well, there you are.  If I ever figure out why it gets flagged as a virus, maybe I’ll be able to do something about it.  Or, maybe, if enough people use this, then maybe it will get re-classified as safe.

  • New: Custom Tokens
  • New: Window Info can display the Dell Serial Number and the Dell Express Service Code. See Window Info.
  • New: Window Info: WINS Servers, DHCP Server. See Window Info.
  • New: Added Resource Monitor to System > Varia > Resource Monitor in Default Config.
  • New: Added new icons!
  • New: Command: RecycleBin. Added to Dirs > Recycle Bin in Default Config.
  • New: If a configuration does not have a configuration’s Systemus.ini, the File Menu will offer the option to create a default one instead of offering to open one that doesn’t exist.
  • New: File > Edit Configuration ini now gives the Configuration’s name.
    Fixed: Issue where the first menu ini file was skipped, resulting in a missing menu
  • Fixed: Wrong icon for File > Edit Config Ini
  • Fixed: Had a few labels incorrect in Window Info
  • Fixed: Issues fetching MAC address and Network info

  • New: Now the current configuration will be checkmarked in the File > Configuration menu.
  • New: Customize the information, font style and colours of the main window.
  • New: added lots of new info that can be displayed in the main window, such as gateway, subnet, memory and workgroup.
  • New: File > Edit Config INI to make it easier to edit the main window information.
  • Improved: New icons for the items in File > Configuration menu.
  • Improved: IP Address and Mac Address are now in purple by default on the main window.
  • Fixed: Removed accelerator indicators from the statusbar’s report
  • Fixed: ipaddress and macaddress should display the current working values in the main window.
  • Fixed: Systemus now displays it’s own error message when something goes wrong when running a command that has issues.
  • Fixed: Some links in the Help Menu were broken.
  • Fixed: Removed File > Reloads Settings INI because that doesn’t work.

Notice: Version 1.2 had a function which gave the user the ability to clear the memory cache.  I have removed this because it was setting off Antivirus as being a Trojan.  Sorry to disappoint on that score!

  • Removed: We removed the clearAllCaches command because it was triggering Antivirus alerts
  • Fixed: comshell commands now automatically close their hidden comspec windows
  • Fixed: Command for gpedit
  • Fixed: elevatedCMD.cmd will now stay open when you run it.
  • Fixed: Tools > Elevated CMD Prompt now launches.
  • Fixed: Tools > CMD Prompt now launches.
  • Fixed: code error dialogue when there is a problem trying to run an incorrect RUN command
  • New: Command: QuickLaunchDir to open Windows 7 Quicklaunch directory. Added to Default Config’s Dirs > QuickLaunch menu.
  • New: Command: RestartExplorer to restart Windows Explorer. Added to Default Config’s Tools > Restart Explorer menu.
  • New: Command Services to open the Services Manager. Replaced the command in System > Services menu.
  • New: Menu accelerators added to the Default Config menus.