
Last update: 2011-12-07Support: DonationCoder NANY2012 thread

Display all sources of paper (input trays) for all printers on your system, and print a list of one or all printers with their trays, with the traynumber assigned by the printer-driver.

2011-12-07: v1.2.0.0:
Out of beta!
Added Other information, displaying Mediatypes and sizes, Location
Print out all selected information when printing to a printer
Changed startup order to display main form with Loading and then load data
Store selected options and main for position/size between sessions
2011-12-03: v1.1.3.0-beta:
Also match the bin that is in the printer-name on some OS's
2011-12-03: v1.1.2.0-beta:
Improved bin-name matching algorithm
2011-12-03: v1.1.1.0-beta:
Fixed compare issue by removing outer whitespace
Fixed website url in .dcupdate file
2011-12-02: v1.1.0.0-beta:
Update separating Active from Hidden/Disabled trays
2011-11-30: v1.0.0.0-beta:
Initial release of PaperSourceExplorer for NANY2012 (See support-link above)

Display all sources of paper (input trays) for all printers on your system, and print a list of one or all printers with their trays, with the traynumber assigned by the printer-driver.
System requirements:
  • Windows OS supporting .NET 4.0 runtime (XP and newer, Windows 7 or later recommended, x64 editions supported)

  • .NET 4.0 runtime

  • Optional but highly recommended: At least 1 installed printer to be able to display something useful
  • Usage:
    Run the executable, either by using the shortcut created using the installer, or by double-clicking the executable in Windows Explorer or equivalent file manager.
    View the information available from each printer installed. The Windows default printer is selected and expanded in the treeview by default.
    Select File/Print from the menu, or press Ctrl-P, to print a list of available input trays and all other selected options, for the current or all printers (selectable by All pages or Current page in the printer selection dialog).
    Select Help/About to display some information about the application.
    Select Help/Check for Updates... to run dcuhelper.exe, for finding and running DCUpdate to check and fetch updates if available. Only manual check for now. This quits PaperSourceExplorer when a check for updates is confirmed/allowed.
    Edit menu:
    Refresh (F5) :Reload printer data from system and re-display
    Expand All Nodes :Display with all nodes expanded (toggle).
    Display Hidden/Disabled bins :Show a tree sub-node for each printer with the Hidden/Disabled bins found (if any) (toggle). Enabled by default.
    Display Runtime bin-names :Adds the bin names known by the Windows printserver at runtime. These (often/usually) differ from the driver bin names (toggle).
    Display Printer Location :Shows the location if defined with the printer settings
    Display Unrecognized Runtime bin-names :Show a tree sub-node for each printer with Runtime bin-names that couldn't be matched to a driver bin-name (toggle). Enabled by default.
    Other Information
    Display Available Media and Sizes :Show a list of all available Media/sizes (from the driver, not actually acquired from the printer!)
    Display Mediatypes :Show the available media types known by the driver.

    • Version
    • Downloads 160
    • File Size 724.67 KB
    • File Count 1
    • Create Date December 7, 2011
    • Last update 2011-12-07 20:51:49
    • Last Updated November 4, 2018

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