Have you ever wished
- that you had more control over the way applications are launched?
- Could set a delay for launching applications at startup?
- Space out the launching with a pause in between them?
- Control the order in which applications were opened?
- Launch many applications with a single shortcut?
Well, now you can.
Lacuna Launcher will allow you to set a group of files to be opened with a single shortcut by creating a text file with the paths to all the files you wish to open.
You can include applications (.exe), shortcuts (.lnk), internet shortcuts (.url), images, music, movies, anything that is a file on your system that you wish to open.
Just open the included "list.txt" file in notepad and make a list with the paths to files you want to open. Place one per line. You can add as many as you like.
When you want to launch the entire group, just click the ll.exe file and they will all be launched, one right after the other, in the same order that they appear in the list.
The command line parameters give you more control over timing of the launches with an initial delay and a pause between each one, and the ability to create multiple lists and specify which you would like to use.
You can set up multiple lists for various tasks, and place shortcuts on your desktop or Quicklaunch or use it from the Run Dialog. Please see the included ReadMe file for more information.
Let's say you have a number of tools that you need to launch to do a particular job, like maybe webdesign. You could list all the paths to all the tools you use for this, your page builder, Photoshop, various browsers, etc., in a .txt file and use Lacuna Launcher to launch them all with a single click.
- Version 1.0.0
- Downloads 58
- File Size 234.72 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 12, 2008
- Last update 2008-12-12 13:31:21
- Last Updated May 6, 2020