dIE (damn IE) is a small lightweight IE based browser, that is totally lacking in features.
I made this browser for doing quick Google searches on my old slow Pentium I computer. Without all the extras, there isn't anything to slow it down.There are no buttons on it other than the "Go" button and the usual min, max/restore, and close buttons in the top corner. There isn't even an icon on the titlebar!
dIE opens fast, but it's not going to load pages faster, if you have a lack of bandwidth. All normal options are accessible from the right click menu on a web page. You can't set this as your default browser and all pages that open in a new window will open in IE and not dIE.
It has it's limitations, and it is a bit buggy, but it was good for what I needed it for at the time, and it's here because someone else might have a need for it, too.
Google is hard-coded as it's homepage, and that can't be changed, which makes it immune to some homepage hijacking methods. There is no popup blocker, no toolbars with gizmos, no extra frills. I seriously suggest using a firewall with IE script blocking capabilities to prevent popups and spyware, if you plan on using this browser.
I will not be responsible for any driveby malware infections you may acquire by using this browser on the internet.
But if you want to use it to view locally stored pages that you know are safe or just throw caution to the wind, be my guest.
You have been warned!
- Version 1.0.0
- Downloads 11
- File Size 163.10 KB
- Last update 2005-04-21 15:59:48