Description: ClipTrap watches the clipboard and keeps track of copied text in its window. I initially wrote it for my workplace where we use terminal emulators (SecureCRT, PuTTY, etc.) constantly and often need to capture several successive bits of output from various routers, switches, and other devices on the network. I fleshed it out and prettied it up for the NANY 2010 promotion on DonationCoder. You can think of this tool as something in between using a full-fledged clipboard manager and using nothing. I use this in conjunction with ArsClip, a fantastic clipboard caching tool. Features:
- Simple to toggle monitoring mode on and off.
- Customizable font.
- Minimize to tray option.
- Unicode compatible.
Version: 1.2.2 (2014-12-21) 💾 DOWNLOAD ClipTrap v1.2.2  
Supported OS: Windows 7. Probably works, but not tested, on Windows XP/Vista/8/10.
History: Changelog
Installation: Unzip to its own folder and run ClipTrap.exe.
Discussion forum: Here
PAD file: Here
- Version 1.2.2
- Downloads 3637
- File Size
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2014-12-21
- Last update 2014-12-21 16:23:09
- Last Updated 2018-01-16