
Disables mouse and keyboard input to stop toddlers messing up your PC, or to allow for cleaning.

- Click the X to exit.
- Click and drag to move ToddlerTrap out of the way.

- 2006.12.21 - v1.1: Added option to move ToddlerTrap out of the way.

Thanks to wr975 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!

  • Version 1.1
  • Downloads 13151
  • File Size 246.97 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date December 12, 2017
  • Last update 2017-12-12 22:39:30
  • Last Updated December 12, 2017

10 Comments on "ToddlerTrap"

  1. When I extracted the program, there was an error message:

    “Error at line 76

    Line Text: ExitApp;ToddlerTrap.ahk
    Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.

    The program will exit.”


  2. When I run ToddlerTrap.ahk I get:

    Error at line 76
    Line Text: ExitApp;toddlerTrap.ahk
    Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.


  3. Sorry, I’m confused. After unzipping the TT file, I could not figure out how to launch TT.
    Then I read that TT requires a free registration key via sign-up to get it to work.
    Sorry, I’m still confused. How do I sign up for the registration key?


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  6. error on line 76
    line does not contain a recognised action
    program exits


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