
Sometimes you'll want to put aside what you are working on to complete an important task. But the taskbar is such a mess!

So I created PutAside. Run the program and press Shift-ScrollLock and all open windows are hidden, you can then work on your tempory task. Cycle through the hidden windows with ScrollLock. Press Shift-ScrollLock again and all hidden windows are restored. You can exclude windows.

PutAside is a combination between alt-tab, Show Desktop, a boss-key, and virtual desktops. I've always found virtual desktops to be too complex: I can never remember what is on the other desktops. I never used bosskeys, and with show desktop/alt-tab the taskbar is so cluttered. PutAside is then a middle way to temporarily hide windows without making them inaccessible.

Discussion, Support & Feedback

Support on this program is available on the DonationCoder forums. You can also use this place to discuss new features or any issues. See PutAside Discussion Thread.

  • Version
  • Downloads 236
  • File Size
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 28, 2018
  • Last update 2018-01-28 23:58:00
  • Last Updated January 28, 2018