JustCloseSomeTasks is a utility to let you easily close inactive tasks. It saves taskbar space by offering you to close the stuff you've not used for a while. Tasks are automatically marked for closing when they're not used for a certain time period (expiry time). The program will learn your behaviour and adjust this expiry time.
I use a lot of programs, and many at the same time. Because of this when a lot of windows are open the taskbar becomes cluttered and I lose the overview required. JustCloseSomeTasks knows which programs I've not used and helps me manage.
Portable installation, DcUpdater support via help menu
Using the Application
Press the hotkey button (Ctrl-[ by default - change via system tray -> preferences) and all windows are listed with the ones older than 120 seconds checked. press the close button to close these tasks. The program will learn and adjust the auto-marking period based on your usage.
Discussion, Support & Feedback
Support on this program is available on the DonationCoder forums. You can also use this place to discuss new features or any issues. See JustCloseSomeTasks Discussion Thread.
- Version
- Downloads 231
- File Size
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 28, 2018
- Last update 2018-01-28 23:50:27
- Last Updated January 28, 2018